Saturday, November 7, 2009

Day 1 - San Francisco to Pismo Beach (290 miles)

We arrived at Pismo Beach exhausted but elated having completed our first day along some of the most beautiful scenery you have, or are ever likely to see. Pacific Highway 1 between Carmel and Cambria has consistantly been voted the #1 driving road anywhere in the world and the 80 miles of coast asphalt didn't disappoint. Where else can you 'smell' the sea and wipe off ocean spray from your visor? It was in stark contrast to our departure from San Francisco in heavy mist and rain some 8 hours earlier.

We arrived in San Fran on time, picked up the bikes, checked into the Hotel and went for a cruise around town. We picked up two beautiful blondes, potentially the prettiest girls in California currently and took them out for a pizza. One was called Emily, the other Sophie and they are both the daughters of my travelling companion, Mr Nutting. At 7 and 4 years old they were excellent company for 3 middle aged men almost too exhausted to speak. I am sharing a room with William, so I guess I'll have to get used to the gentle sound of someone sawing wood about 3 feet from my head! Quite how I would describe some of the other sounds without using words such as zoo, pre-historic and thunder, I'm not sure.

The bikes are great. Huge, but great. The noise is as you would expect and can induce a nose bleed and ear ache to any unsuspecting adult or child from 20 feet. The only real issue is communicating on the move. It's a bit like trying to talk to someone in a night club. What the person says is normally pretty irrelevant and the listener can't really hear what they're saying anyway, so just answers with a thumbs up and a big smile. Similar to when you're cruising at 70mph in an open faced helmet. So, far so good. Massimo, William and myself are all competing on the facial hair front. William has even bought himself a trimmer!

More to follow soon dear listener, as I pen this from a coffee shop in Santa Barbara. Next stop Malibu for lunch and Santa Monica later. Warm and sunny, perfect conditions for catching flies in a happy biker's teeth!! More soon..............................

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